Email marketing has become one of the prominent marketing tools of the 21st Century. Why? According to Harvard Business insider direct mail marketing costs over $600 per 1000 pieces; it costs virtually nothing to send emails. Whilst the cost of Direct Mail marketing is 600 times more, results and customer response do not reflect this massive cost difference.

This table from Harvard Business looks at the response when a retailer “took a group of 105,000 customers in its loyalty club database, divided them into three groups of 35,000, and marketed to the three groups differently.” 

These results show that the minuscule difference in response rate and the dollars made per name, between Direct Mail and Email do not reflect the cost difference.


For DMMP the Blue Milk Digital team had to design an example of Email Marketing, BMD decided they would use Cadbury’s Heroes as their product, as the company has a similar ethos to BMD and the Christmas theme also coincides with the time of year.

The team decided first to find examples of Email Marketing from their own Email inbox’s; there was no shortage of inspiration. BMD began by creating a rough template with pen and paper which could then be easily translated into a digital format. Although simplistic, this method proved effective.

BMD split into two sub-groups, this allowed one group to focus on text and the other to focus on design and on the layout of the email.

The text sub-team agreed that the language should compliment the product as well as grabbing the attention of Heroes target audience. This was done by including phrases such as ‘Save the day’ and ‘keep the family satisfied’.

The design group, after studying other examples of Email Marketing decided it was vital to include – Social Media links, Hyperlinks and smallprint such as terms and conditions. The design team also came to the conclusion – colour schemes are vital whilst designing the email.

This led the design sub-team to including all of the above, as well as a purple colour scheme to compliment Cadbury’s iconic purple logo.

To further add to the Email, whilst researching other Emails, the team noticed that banners were employed in almost all of the emails they studied. This led the design team to creating a banner on befunky.com.

Below is the finished product of BMD’s Email Marketing piece:

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